
A month ago.....

My daughter got a fitbit as a prize for something.  I kind of understood how it worked and so I got one for myself.  I was a sluggard who had gotten to 240 lbs.  Kind of hard for someone whose nickname used to be Skinney.  So, a month ago today I got my fitbit and charged it up and started walking.  I think it has helped me as a teacher because I make several rounds around the room to get my step count up.  I have several things going against me.  I have a torn ACL. I have a few herniated discs.  This feels good.  I got to 5,000 steps within a few days and I held that as my daily goal as I strove to exceed each day's previous step count.  I got to 10,000 and kept exceeding my daily goal and got up to 14k, about six miles and then caught a tummy bug. I ended up sleeping through almost 24 hours.  That put a dent in my goals. I have to be reasonable.  I have to allow for my "advancing years."  BUT, after a month, I'm doing interval training and walk in plac